Pipeline Integrity Services
Specializing in Cathodic Protection
High Quality
High quality, thorough data collection and reporting. This is due to our data research prior to the field survey, good communication with field operations, and to the diligence of our Cathodic Protection Technicians.
New Technologies
Awareness and application of new technologies. Advancements in data collection and in data monitoring have resulted in better, more timely cathodic source monitoring, which in turn results in cost savings and less field exposure to incidents.
Timely Results
Timely and accurate survey reporting. Our routine turnaround time from survey completion to delivery of final report is less than 30 days.
Cathodic Protection Annual Adjustive Survey

- Potential measurement of all field and facility structures
- Rectifier maintenance / adjustment as required
- Data populated into proprietary Access database
- Report and required actions issued within 30 days of survey completion
Cathodic Protection Follow-up

- Impressed current groundbed design and construction
- Galvanic anode installation
- Groundbed Repair
- Rectifier repair / replacement
Pipeline Coating Condition Survey
May include any of the following non-destructive test methods:

- Close Interval Survey (CIS) – potential measurement over entire line, used to identify coating holidays
- Alternating Current Attenuation Survey (ACCA) – gross locator of coating holiday
- Alternating Current Voltage Gradient (ACVG) – fine locator of coating holiday
- Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) – locator of coating holiday
- Depth of Cover Survey (DOC) – determination of adequate cover
Well Casing Risk Assessment
Assess likelihood of casing failure based on evaluation of historical data, including:

- Casing logs
- Previous failure data
- Production history
- Shut in vs. production time
- Inhibition programs

Elliot & Associates is proud of our commitment to safety and of our comprehensive safety program. We are SECOR certified (Small Employer Certificate of Recognition); in addition, we are members of ISNetworld and ComplyWorks.
The electrical component of our work dictates training and awareness of the hazards and precautions when working with electricity. All field personnel are certified as per the Alberta STAE Act and AR 161/2022, to provide electrical services specific to cathodic protection.
All Elliot & Associates field personnel receive safety certification training in H2S, Standard First Aid, TDG, WHMIS, Advanced Vehicle Control, and ATV operation.
Elliot & Associates supervises and performs construction of large and small groundbeds and diligently follows regulatory requirements set by OH&S and other regulatory agencies regarding ground disturbance and worker safety. As circumstances dictate, training may be completed for Ground Disturbance and Confined Space.
Links and Rescources
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
NACE Calgary
Patchworks, a publication of PSAC
Integrated Rectifier Technologies
Mobiltex Remote Monitors